
Thursday, February 25, 2021

Rush Limbaugh Can Burn In Hell

There's an old admonition, dating from ancient Greece, about not speaking ill of the dead.

Which is, of course, ridiculous.

Besides, if I couldn't "speak ill" about Rush Limbaugh, I wouldn't have anything to say about him; and honestly, where's the fun in that?

To be fair, I never ever ever listened to his show, for the simple reason that I'm not a halfwit.

But, occasionally, I would read about what he said, and that, naturally, led to the following perception:

What a fucking asshole he was! 

In fact, I would put him on the Mount Rushmore of Fucking Assholes.

There really is no other way to describe his racist, misogynist, homophobic, xenophobic, hypocritical parade of lies than as a steaming pile of dog shit.

That a legion of mouth breathing morons listened to and believed everything he crapped out on a daily basis only confirms my belief that there are many, many, millions of imbeciles in this exceptional land of ours.

By the way, this is a problem that there is no easy remedy for. We, the sane, will just have to figure out a way to coexist with a large swarm of idiots. And hope that they don't out breed us.

To give him his due, he was a master of the Big Lie--Goebbels would have been proud. 

And he gave Fox News the template for their ongoing assault on decency and truth. 

It's really not too complicated. Just lie about everything and a large audience of hateful scum will follow you anywhere.

It's quite fitting that a traitorous piece of garbage like Donald J. Trump would give a festering pile of shit like Rush Limbaugh a Presidential Medal of Freedom*. After all, he taught a generation of maggots to dance a jig, and told them that whatever the issue, they were always the aggrieved party. 

Trump and Limbaugh were, in fact, kindred spirits. Twin sons of different mothers, as it were.

So, to sum up, very glad that he is dead.

Very sorry that it didn't happen decades ago.

*(In this case, shouldn't it be spelled FreeDumb?)

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

This Is Not Who We Are...?

Something awful happens...

A mass shooting. Could be at a school, a church, a shopping center, a business, a concert, a night club. Could be anywhere.

A black person is murdered by the police. Could be a man selling cigarettes, could be a child with a toy, could be a woman in her bed.

A distraught parent kills their children, or their spouse, or anyone that's handy. Because they're "upset" about something--anything.

A gang of traitors storms the Capitol, blinded by their devotion to a two bit scam artist, masquerading as President.

Something awful happens, and a typical learned response is "this is not who we are." 

But the thing is, this is exactly who at least some of us are.

Almost half of our citizens voted for a traitor. A person who put himself above the Constitution. After four long years of his criminality and general incompetence, 70 million people still voted for him. Obviously, they were fine with his actions.

Many of them couldn't care less how many innocent people are killed as long as they get to keep their beloved guns.

They support racists, liars, con men, haters of all persuasions.

The United States Congress is full of them. Half of the Senate and almost half of the House are willing to turn a blind eye to the most outrageous behavior imaginable.

This is not who we are?

Sure it is.

Tuesday, February 2, 2021


It should be obvious by now to everyone, including his immediate family, that Louie Gohmert is a moron.

Everything he says, everything he does, confirms this. I can only imagine what kind of shit hole, to use the Flaming Orange Anuses' preferred term, he represents. 

What kind of "people", and I use that word in its broadest sense, keep sending this "person", and again I use that word in its broadest sense, to Congress?

As David Susskind used to say, "the mind boggles".

However, as unbelievable as it may seem, Louie now has competition--stiff competition--for the title of Worst Congress person.

My own sad state has thrown up some hardy challengers. Andy Biggs, Paul Gosar, David Schweikart, and Debbie Lesko are all in the running. 

Biggs and Gosar probably couldn't spell sedition without help, and yet they both committed it. 

Schweikart's own family campaigned against him. Must make Thanksgiving fun.

And Lesko is just another female, empty pant suit, Republican. The lights aren't on, and, yep, no one is home.

Hell of a team the GOP has assembled in Arizona. Individually they are #Sad. But as a group they are stunning. Is this a great country, or what?

We sentient Arizonans would be overcome with shame at the prospect of someone from our state toppling Louie from his perch atop the garbage heap that is the Republican House caucus...if it weren't for two late entries:

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert!

Two Q-anon embracing, Trump loving, pistol packing Mamas who never met a ridiculous idea they didn't heartily embrace. In a well ordered society they would both be disarmed and placed in padded rooms somewhere quiet. In the good ol USA they are both armed, and, at least for the time being, in Congress.

I would say that they're brain dead, but you have to have had a functioning brain at some point to be declared brain dead, so...

Still, we must enjoy our victories, however small they might be. 

Therefore, on behalf of the Arizonans who still have a sense of shame, I say to Lauren and Marjorie,
