
Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Random Thoughts On A Lovely Autumn Day

Why does Tucker Carlson always look constipated? Hasn't he heard about laxatives? Or is just that he's so constantly, totally, full of shit that nothing will help?

Republicans don't want to do away with racism. They want to do away with teaching about racism. And that will make it all better.

It's a shame that Don the Builder couldn't get any infrastructure bills passed in 4 very long years. Imagine all of the Mob concrete and Polish scab laborers he could've used. #SAD.

A note to all of the anti-masker/anti-vaxxers who like to confront people: sooner or later you're going to pick on the wrong person and you're going to get seriously hurt or maybe even killed. Hopefully someone will be on hand to film it.

In a just world, the next Republican to quote Martin Luther King Jr. would burst into flames.

Is it really such a tragedy that the vast majority of people now dying from CoVid are Red State Loons? Is it?

What kind of people keep re-electing Paul Gosar? What has he ever done for his district? What legislation has he proposed to help Arizona, let alone the country? He's an idiot, a racist, a liar, and, most importantly, a traitor. I can only assume that his supporters have all of those characteristics as well.

Why some professional athletes, who have without a doubt been injected with all sorts of goodies by team doctors, for pain, for healing, for performance, should now balk at a simple poke in the arm to keep them and those around them safe from a deadly disease, is one of the great mysteries of the modern world.

There is no cure for stupid. And when you mix it with ego, it can be deadly.

Wednesday, November 3, 2021


The other day there were a number of, oh, let's call them QAnon fuckheads, waiting in Dealey Plaza, Dallas for JFK, Jr. to show up.

That's right. That Dealey Plaza.

That's right. That JFK Jr.

And after that apparently un-dead Kennedy made his miraculous appearance, then he and Traitor Trump would ride together in glory and reclaim the White House from the baby blood drinking usurper Biden.

You really can't make this shit up. It's so far past satire and parody that it cannot be classified as anything but stark, raving, frothing at the mouth, madness.

SPOILER ALERT: Guess what? Junior didn't show--being dead dead dead and all.

But, not to worry QAnon faithful!  You probably just got the date wrong. Calendars are such tricky things! And numbers can be so confusing! Keep the faith!

After the "rising from the dead" or "faked his death" bit, I'm not really sure what the next craziest aspect of this whole scenario is. But somewhere high on the list is the idea that JFK Jr. would have anything at all to do with Donald J. Trump.

I am really sure that the most frightening aspect is that a not insubstantial number of retards* actually believe this shit.

*(Yeah, I know, we're not supposed to say "retards" anymore. But, let's be honest, sometimes it's the only word that works.)