
Thursday, May 24, 2018

Guns Don't Kill People. Ritalin Kills People.

In a just world, Ollie North would be in prison. Or, perhaps, out on parole.

But this is not a just world...

So Oliver North, who was a TRAITOR, and probably still is, if the price is right, has a new gig!

Ollie is the newest mouthpiece of the NRA.

And Ollie's bit of wisdom about our latest (as of the instant I type this) school shooting, is that it happened because kids are on ritalin.

Not because of the ease at which anyone, even the craziest among us, can get access to all kinds of weaponry. Including some rifles that should only be found on a battlefield.

Not because the NRA, which is essentially the lobbyist for gun manufacturers, has had the Congress in its pocket for 30 years.

Not because the Second Amendment fetishists get all wound up by spurious claims that "the gubmint is coming for our guns!"

Not because this loud, vocal, minority cares more about their guns than they do about anything else. Anything.

No. None of those.

It's the ritalin that's to blame. That makes perfect sense, don't it?

Goddamn, this is a stupid country, chock full of very stupid people.

Saturday, May 19, 2018

This Raises An Interesting Question:

When you're a lying piece of shit, do you know you're a lying piece of shit?

Take Sarah Huckabee Sanders, for instance.

She spends her days lying for the P.O.S. in the White House. It's her job, and she does it, willingly.

That is probably a prerequisite for working in this particular White House; the willingness to lie 24-7.

I wouldn't say she lies very convincingly...but others might.

Now, the question is, does she do it because it's her job? Or does she really, truly, believe all the lies she disseminates daily?

If she does it because it's her job, what kind of Christian is she? The kind who tells lies that she knows are lies?

Isn't she afraid of burning in Hell for eternity? That's what happens to bad Christians, right?

And if she truly does believe all of the lies, what kind of idiot is she?

Do they let idiots into Heaven?

Friday, May 11, 2018

One Thing You Can't Hide Is When You're Crippled Inside

Look, I've never cared for John McCain.

I grew tired of the "I was a P.O.W." card very early on in the game.

More importantly, most of his positions are directly opposite of everything I believe.

First as a Congressman and then as a Senator he has done next to nothing for the people of Arizona. You can look it up.

He would have been a bad President. Not as bad as W.  And no one will ever be as bad as that lump of orange fecal matter currently occupying the White House. But still, just the idea of Sarah Palin being a heartbeat away, as they say, should have given anyone with a functioning brain nightmares.

Now, it looks like the "Maverick" is on his way out. Like the song says, "everything dies and that's a fact". When he does, he will be given full military honors, which he certainly deserves. He does not deserve to be mocked by that festering gang of morally crippled, ethical pygmies that takes its marching orders from Donald J. Trump.

And there is a pretty good chance that whatever replaces him will be worse. This is Arizona we're talking about, after all.

However, one thing is beyond dispute. John McCain has never been a traitor.

Donald J. Trump, and anyone associated with the criminal enterprise that he calls his administration, can't honestly say that.

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Trust Me, Nobody Cares If You're A Christian

Oh, the poor, set upon Christians. Apparently some of them are worried that their religion is under attack. Boo hoo.

Perhaps it will be outlawed by the evil humanists, with all their so called facts and reason!

War on Christmas! War on Christmas! War on Christmas!

Trust me, humanists really don't give a fuck.

You can believe whatever fairy tales you want. Santa Claus, the Easter bunny, Baby J. Whatever.

Just don't expect the rest of us to. And please don't try to force your fairy tales on us. OK?

Go to your tax free churches, where some of your ministers spew hatred and complete nonsense, beg for forgiveness and then pretend you're "saved" and therefore somehow morally superior to the rest of us "Godless infidels." Oh, and always remember to drop a little something in the plate when they pass it your way. Otherwise, there are no guarantees.

Really, all I can say to that kind of nonsense is "Jesus Christ!"

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

It's All OK!

Here's the deal:

You can be a rapist, a thief, an idiot, a child molester, a downright fucking moron...

But if you have that "R" after your name, it's all OK!

You can be a serial liar, a phony Christian, a racist, a misogynist, a homophobe...

But if you have that "R" after your name, it's all OK!

You can be a stooge for a foreign country, a draft dodging chicken hawk, morally bankrupt, financially corrupt...

And that "R" makes it all OK!

You can conspire with the government of an enemy nation to subvert our elections, you can dismantle 100 years of progressive legislation, you can stuff yourself and your family from the public purse, you can despoil the public commons, sell off the nation to the highest bidders...

As long as that "R" is there, no need to worry!

You can even be a full blown traitor, who spends his day committing treason while wiping his ass with the Constitution...

When the cops come, just show 'em your "R".

The "R" that now stands for Russia.