
Sunday, November 27, 2022

"A Seriously Troubled Man"

 "A seriously troubled man."

This is how Glorious Leader Orange Man described Kanye West.

And Glorious Leader was trying to help by...?????

Counseling him? Who wouldn't benefit from the knowledge of Glorious Leader Orange Man?

Comforting him? Perhaps there are "comfort ladies" at Mar-a-Lardo?

Trying to get money from him? Once a grifter always a grifter.

Breaking bread with a neo-Nazi anti-semite piece of shit? It's a big tent.

Who knows?

No, what's important here is that Trump could call anyone else--anyone--"seriously troubled." 

Let us list, briefly and no doubt incompletely, Trump's uh...let's call them troubles:

Traitor. Insurrectionist. Twice impeached. Adulterer. Accused rapist. Tax fraud. Mob ties. Multiple bankruptcies. Pathological liar. Racist. Lusts after his eldest daughter.

Any "help" from someone with that resume would be...priceless.

Monday, November 7, 2022

It's Simple

People who think that the President is responsible for gas prices don't really understand how Capitalism works. They also seem to have forgotten all about the war in Ukraine and the general perfidy of Saudi Arabia.

People who think we're the only country suffering from inflation haven't taken a very close look at the rest of the world. They also seem to have forgotten a world wide pandemic which disrupted the normal supply chains. In fact, our inflation is relatively low compared to everywhere else.

So voting for Republicans based on those two items is, well, kind of stupid. 

However, there are some issues that should sway your vote.

For instance, one party wants to eliminate democracy, and one doesn't.

One party wants everyone eligible to vote to be able to vote--easily and safely. And one doesn't.

One party wants to help ALL of the people, and one just wants to help the rich.

One party wants to take the steps necessary to save the planet, and one doesn't give a fuck as long as there's a profit to be made.

So, unless you're a Putin loving total racist asshole, this really shouldn't be a hard decision.

If you're a female the choice is very simple.

You can vote for the Party that thinks of you merely as breeding stock,  a vessel to replenish the "domestic supply of infants", with little or no say in the manner. Face it, you're too "emotional" to make your own decisions. Even if you've been raped-or impregnated by a relative. Even if you're carrying a non-viable fetus.

Or you can vote for the Party that wants you to have autonomy over your body.

That's it.

That's all.

Wednesday, November 2, 2022


When you look at the "people" that the Arizona Republican Party has nominated for office in 2022, any rational person would say "Gee, these folks should lose by a landslide."

We're not talking the kind of localized goons like Gosar, Schwiekert, Lesko and Biggs, either. There are House districts in my poor, benighted state, that consistently send this kind of, uh, "person" to Congress. 

Doesn't matter how awful they are, their brain dead constituencies "think" (and, of course, I use that word very loosely) that they are doing a bang up job "owning the Libs" and protecting us all from the brown people and, naturally, "socialism." The fact that they have never achieved anything positive for the state doesn't enter the conversation. They have that "R" next to their names, and by God that's enough for all of those schmucks that consistently return them to office.

No, we're talking about state wide offices. Governor, Senator, AG, and Secretary of State.

We're talking Lake, Masters, Hamadeh, and Finchem.

We're talking a former Fox News talking head without a shred of humanity or dignity, but with the requisite extra dose of hypocrisy. She knows absolutely nothing about governing, and is more than willing to share her ignorance. And all the soft filters in the world can't conceal her utter emptiness.

We're talking Peter Thiel's lapdog. A "libertarian" asshole, who doesn't have a clue about how anything works, but is certain he can "fix" it, and who thinks he's found a state with just enough stupid people to get elected.*

We're talking another "law and order" dipshit who is loudly on the 'it's George Soros who's behind it all" bandwagon. Here's a quote from the law and order boy: "the corrupt media, deep state, the establishment, and even the COURTS worked to rob President Trump and the American people in November 2020." Oh yeah, in addition to the Soros bullshit, he's also dabbled in more overt antisemitism. Which makes him an almost prefect Republican, I guess.

We're talking someone who's gone beyond "all hat, no cattle" to "all hat, no brain". He wandered the fringes of the Jan 6th insurrectionist treason, too timid to take part, but wanting to be there--just in case things worked out for the traitors. He's proudly an Oath Keeper--you know, the clowns that wanted to hang John McCain. And, naturally, an anti-vaxxer. Quite the resume.

They've all begged for the Orange Pig God's approval.  They've all lied about the 2020 election to curry the Orange Oinker's favor. They've all proudly sported "Trump endorsed" on their signs.

Again, and it can't be said often enough: If, at this point, you continue to support Donald J. Trump in any way, then you're a TRAITOR, too.

And this also applies to you if you vote for people who happily grovel before Trump.

*(to be fair, this applies to all Republican candidates)