
Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Remember This: They Will Lie

Living in poor, stupid, Arizona, I've been inundated with Martha McSally television ads.

Normally I record everything so I can fast forward through every ad, political and otherwise. 

Life is too short, ya know?

But sometimes, during a live sports event, for instance, that isn't possible.

And I've come to a simple conclusion:

Nowadays, being a Republican requires that you lie as easily as you breathe.

And it seemingly doesn't matter that your lies are easily disprovable by anyone with a semi-functioning brain.

For example, there are records of every vote McSally has cast. And yet, in her ads, she claims to have voted otherwise.

The record shows she has voted against Medicare, Social Security, and insuring pre-existing conditions.

It's right there in black and white.

Her ads, however, when they aren't telling outright lies about her opponent, Mark Kelly, claim that she voted for all of those things rather than against all of them.

In fact, if you weren't aware of her record, you would think that she was a champion of people with pre-existing conditions. And that Kelly was some sort of crooked stooge of the Chinese.

You know, like our Traitor-in-Chief and his daughter/wife Ivanka.

It's breathtaking, that ability to LIE so often, so completely. 

It's downright Trumpian.

Again, if you are stupid enough to fall for it, you're going to get what you deserve.

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Amy Coney Barrett Orders An Ice Cream Cone

Clerk: Yes ma'am?

ACB: I would like to order an ice cream.

Clerk: Yes ma'am. What flavor?

ACB: So many to choose from.

Clerk: Yes there are. But you must have a favorite. 

ACB: At this time I am not prepared to offer an opinion. 

Clerk: But--

ACB: Each flavor must be judged individually, based on the original intention of its maker.

Clerk: What?

ACB: I cannot announce any choice that I might or might not make regarding any, or for that matter, all ice creams, until I have weighed the intent.

Clerk: Uh huh. You must have a favorite, though. 

ACB: Whether I do, or don't, cannot be determined until such time as I am confronted with arguments from all sides.

Clerk: Arguments? It's just ice cream, lady. Surely you have a--

ACB: I have no preconceptions regarding any flavor of ice cream. I just want to adhere to the original intent of the ice cream makers.

Clerk: Uh huh. "The original intent of the ice cream makers." I haven't heard that one before.

ACB: I believe that it is impossible for any person of reason to choose anything without understanding its makers' original intent.

Clerk: I'm pretty sure they just wanted to make something that tastes good that people will like.

ACB: And what is your source for that belief?

Clerk: Just a wild guess. Maybe if we just narrowed it down to vanilla and chocolate?

ACB: Fine flavors both. There is established precedent for both.

Clerk: Good. We're making progress. How about a scoop of creamy, snow white Vanilla?

ACB: I would never choose, or not choose, an ice cream based on color. That would be wrong.

Clerk: OK. A scoop of rich, dark Chocolate then?

ACB: Hmm. I don't know. There are merits to both. And demerits as well. Until I have further information, from all available sources, I'm afraid I must delay announcing my decision.

Clerk: Next in line, please!

Thursday, October 8, 2020

Is There ANYONE Associated With This Administration Who ISN'T A Criminal?

Uh...apparently not.

Are there ANY Republicans in Congress who aren't in Russia's pocket?

Maybe. One or two.

Do we really want all of those Catholics on the Supreme Court? 

No. At least not the "Baby Jesus weeps for fetuses" kind. If they're the "shut the fuck up and mind your own goddamn business" kind, then...maybe. But those are few and far between in public life. So, let's just go with "NO", ok?

Do they have Presidential suites at Federal prisons?

Hopefully we will find out very soon.