
Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Another Modest Proposal

Since we all believe in "law and order", I offer up this simple solution to a growing problem:

If you are guilty of treason against the United States, you will be put to death...on national television.

Just imagine the ratings!

None of this lengthy jail sentence nonsense.


Hang 'em or shoot 'em.

Let the traitors choose which way they'd like to be removed from this life. Rope or gun.

But they have to go, as a warning to anyone who might consider committing treason in the future.
And, of course, all of their assets will revert to the Treasury.

Now, it looks like this will open up a lot of seats in Congress, in a several state houses, some law firms, and a handful of high paying media jobs as well.

Fox News will be especially hard hit. 

And that's a good thing.

New blood. Fresh ideas.

No traitors.

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Donald J. Trump Is A Traitor

There really is no other explanation for his behavior.

He is scared to death of Vladimir Putin--probably for a variety of reasons. And as a result of this, he will do anything to make Putin happy--anything--ignoring whether or not it is counter to the interests of the United States and our allies.

If that isn't the definition of a traitor, it will do for now.

I'm old enough to remember when the Republican Party routinely smeared the Democrats as being weak on Communism, "fellow travelers" if you will.

Now, however, we find that almost the entire Republican Party and their soul mates at the NRA are in the bag for the Russians. Bought and paid for by Putin and his friends' money.


One important thing you need to understand about Donald J. Trump is that he is a pathological liar.

He cannot string more than two sentences together without lying about something.

He has surrounded himself with the kind of people who would steal the dimes off a dead man's eyes, because, well, he doesn't need them anymore.

Most of them are pathological liars, too. Birds of a feather, etc.

So, mix being a pathological liar with breathtaking narcissism, a seemingly uncontrollable sex drive, and throw in a desperate need for large amounts of money to maintain the illusion that you're successful, and one Donald J. Trump becomes a perfect target for an old KGB agent to turn. 

A useful idiot, to use a phrase popular with another Vladimir, Lenin.

A Russian stooge in the White House. Doing his boss's bidding.

Undermine NATO? Check.

Go out of your way to slight and demean our long time allies? Check.

Ignore warnings from all of our intelligence agencies, and consistently question the integrity of the FBI? Check.

Try to break up the EU? Check.

Turn a blind eye to Russian meddling in our, and other's, elections, past and future? Check.

Weaken sanctions against Putin's happy band of oligarch gangsters? Well, give him time...he's trying his hardest.

But do not hold your breath waiting for all of those "patriots" in the Republican Party to do something about it.

Because, quite clearly, they are traitors, too.

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Stop Me If You've Heard This One....Part 2

An idiot walks into a NATO summit...

An idiot tries to "fix" health care...

An idiot starts a trade war...

An idiot insults all of our allies...

An idiot kisses up to any dictator who smiles at him...

An idiot separates children from their parents, with no plan for re-uniting them...

An idiot shits all over the Constitution while stuffing his own pockets...

An idiot appoints bunglers, fools, racists, crooks, and corporate whores to help him "run" the government...

An idiot...(fill in the blank)

Thursday, July 5, 2018


When it gets hot in Phoenix, and it often gets hot in Phoenix, if you have pets that you feed outside--or in a garage, you will get maggots.

Try as you might, just a little bit of uneaten pet food will attract flies...

And the flies will inevitably leave you with maggots.

Smash 'em, spray 'em, whatever you do, there will still be a few of the squirmy little bastards that survive.

Come to think of it, this is a shockingly apt metaphor for the Trump Administration.

One maggot, Scott Pruitt, is gone. But have no fear, he will be replaced by another maggot.

With Donald J. Trump in charge, there is always another maggot in the wings.