
Sunday, March 20, 2022

Vladimir Putin Completely Understands The Conservative Mind

First of all, Putin is not a socialist or a communist. Putin is a mobster. He is surrounded by a coterie of billionaire mobsters. They have stolen Russia's riches for years. And spread some of that wealth to like minded people all around the world.

Mobsters understand two things: power and money.

Fortunately for Vladimir, those are the two things that conservative politicians everywhere--but especially in the U.S. and Great Britain--understand.

I would venture to say that those are the only things that conservative politicians understand.

They certainly don't want to govern. Governing is hard work. It takes compromise, and often requires progress to be slow and incremental. It also requires explaining difficult solutions to hard problems to a bunch of simpletons.

These ideas are antithetical to the conservative mind. 

Much easier to rile up the simpletons with the "dog whistle du jour."

Which conservative "news" organizations are more than happy to amplify.

Then, when the simpletons are all worked up about ridiculous things, the conservative are free to a) get their hands on the Treasury, and b) pass tax cuts for their richest backers.  

That is the sum total of their governing. Everything else they do is designed to keep the simpletons in a constant state of rage..

Putin is thoroughly evil--but not stupid. (This may be the only thing that differentiates him from Trump, by the way.)

Recognizing the greed of conservative western politicians, he and his crew have been buying them up for years.

Throw in a bunch of completely amoral bankers, tax lawyers, and accountants, and you can begin to understand how we got to where we are.

Remember, it takes at least two willing parties to launder dirty money. 

And there has been no shortage of willing partners with their hands out, falling all over themselves to get a little of Putin and Company's money.