
Friday, December 6, 2013

Today's Chuckle

Ronald Reagan called Nelson Mandela a "terrorist".

This would be the same Ronald Reagan who spent most of his adult life as a corporate shill for defense contractors.

The same Ronald Reagan who sold arms to Iran.

The same Ronald Regan who funded death squads throughout Central America.

The same Ronald Reagan who perpetuated the myth of a legion of "welfare mothers in their Cadillacs" stealing from good, honest ( read white) Americans.

The same Ronald Reagan who began the all out assault on the middle class with his steadfast belief in "trickle down" economics and his hatred of unions.

The same Ronald Reagan who ignored the AIDS crisis for years.

The same Ronald Reagan who some delusional people still insist was a "great man" and "the greatest president", worthy of inclusion on Mount Rushmore.

So let's see...You have a man who fought for democracy and equality in his homeland and was willing to suffer in prison for almost 30 years for his beliefs.

And then you have Ronald Wilson Reagan.

You tell me who the real "terrorist" was.

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