
Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Where Are We Now, Where Are We Now?

As we wander, timidly I suppose, into a brand new, shiny year, we must pause, take a deep breath, and ask ourselves, "where are we now?"

Robert Mueller, who is so very much smarter than anyone attacking him, is apparently reaching the end of his investigations. Plural.

And the House, now controlled by the Democrats, is set to launch its own investigations. Plural.

So, what can we expect them to yield?

That the current resident of the White House is a traitor is obvious. That he is a willing puppet of Vladimir Putin (and the Saudis, too, for that matter), is a given. Why? $$$$$$. That he has surrounded himself with a collection of crooks, liars, racists, fools, and traitors is also obvious. This collection includes his three oldest children. But we knew that already.

What else might Mueller and the Democrats expose?

I suspect that there may not be much left of the Republican Party or the NRA when all is said and done.

And that's where it gets tricky.

We only have the two parties, really. The Libertarians are a clown car full of Ayn Rand worshiping punks. And the Greens are simply nothing. They contribute only background noise.

But now, one of our two major parties is on the verge of being revealed for all to see as so totally corrupted by money that they have openly betrayed our country--just to win an election.

This will not go over to well with the folks who call themselves conservatives. And not just the MAGAts. There are many millions of people who still identify as proud Republicans.

How will they react?

We know the MAGAts don't believe in facts, so they'll undoubtedly deny everything, scream "fake news" and rally around the Great Orange Pustule. However, they are just a loud, obnoxious, idiotic minority.

But what about the majority of the Republican Party?

That will be the central question of 2019.

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