
Saturday, May 11, 2019

Jeez Lindsey! What Do They Have On You?

At one point in the not too distant past, Senator Lindsey Graham, or as I call him with a certain fondness, "The Belle of the South", was anti-Trump and pro-reaching across the aisle, at least in some instances.

He called the Great Orange MAGAt "dangerous" "absurd" "bombastic" "not fit" and "stupid". All of which are true, by the way.

Lindsey was also besties with the late, unlamented, John McCain, who Trump has shat on at every opportunity, while McCain lived and even after he died.

But then, something changed...

Now Lindsey enjoys golfing with the MAGAt. Now Lindsey tweets things like "Happy Birthday, Mr. President! You're keeping your promise to make America safer and more prosperous."

And "President Trump clearly relishes being the Law and Order president and a strong Commander in Chief."

This isn't your garden variety Republican hypocrisy, which we are all more or less used to by now.

No, this something different. You don't just suddenly decide to kiss up to a sleazy rat bastard who demeans and disrespects your best friend. Not if you have any character, that is.

The 180 degree reversal began after Graham announced that his email had been hacked.

One is forced to speculate that someone is blackmailing the Senator with the contents of those emails.

So, the operative question is, what do they have on you Lindsey?

Must be something really bad, huh? Is it little girls? Little boys? Big boys? Animals?

After all, a Southern gentleman's reputation is everything. And the fear of having it besmirched by anything, especially the truth, can force a fella to act in very strange ways.

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