
Tuesday, November 5, 2019

It's The Hypocrisy, Stupid (part whatever)

Remember when "The Deficit" was a big deal? Those awful Democrats, led by that awful Obama, were ruining our children's futures by saddling them with "The Deficit"! Yikes!

Now that President Numbnuts and his Congressional enablers have inflated "The Deficit" to a record amount, with no end in sight, and hints of more tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans, "The Deficit" is suddenly no big deal.

And it will remain no big deal until there is a Democrat in the White House, and then, as if by magic, the Republicans will start screaming their empty heads off about "The Deficit".

Or what about that tan suit that Obama wore one time. What a catastrophe that was! A blight on all things Americans hold dear! Almost treasonous!

Now we have a Halfwit in Chief who wears an ill fitting blue suit that more often than not looks like he slept in it, accessorized with a clownishly long red tie.

But that's ok. Because he's white, and full of hate. You know, a "real" American. The kind that Fundamentalist Christian Americans can wholeheartedly support.

Remember when the Republicans were the party of "law and order"? And not a collection of crooks? But that was a long time ago. Nowadays, from the First Family on down, they'd steal the pennies off a dead man's eyes.

We used to have allies that we relied on, and who relied on us. Now the only countries that can rely on us are Russia, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and Syria.

Donald J. Trump is incapable of obeying the laws of this nation. He has lived a life of illegality since he was very young. He was raised by a criminal. He has modeled himself after criminals. He acts like a criminal.

He is a criminal.

Only a criminal would spend so much time and effort hiding things. Honest people do not behave this way.

And still, after all of this, a large majority of Republicans still think Trump is a "good role model" for children.

This makes perfect sense if you're a Republican.

Not so much if you're a human being.

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