
Friday, July 31, 2020

Well, That Didn't Work...Or: Brainstorming With The Trump Pandemic Response Team

So, pretending that something isn't happening doesn't make it stop happening?

Shocked! Shocked to find this out!

Imagine the medical possibilities if only it were true! An entire new field of, well, let's call them "alternative" treatments.

Your doctor says you have cancer, but you tell him you don't. And just like that, you don't have cancer! Same for diabetes, heart disease, STD's, indeed everything!

Unfortunately, that doesn't work. Damn shame, too.

I know! We stop counting the number of people who contract the disease.

Sure, the bodies will continue to pile up, but that's a small price to pay for peace of mind.

How about touting a "cure" that doesn't work and may actually kill people?

Tried it already. Anybody else?

We'll pretend that it's over!


Tell everybody to just go back to work, or school, or church, or wherever they want.

With masks?

No. Masks are optional.



I like it!

Shouldn't we listen to the experts? I mean, like that Fauci guy?

Fuck him. Goddamn busybody.

Remember, in this case, we're the experts.

Oh, right.

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