In a land chock full of people who glory in their Christianity and profess their love of Jesus and all he stood for--many while using use him and the Bible like a cudgel against the rest of us--isn't it curious that any attempt to help the poor and sick is immediately shouted down as SOCIALISM?
Paid family leave? SOCIALISM!
Universal health care? SOCIALISM!
Hot lunch programs? SOCIALISM!
Day care? SOCIALISM!
After school programs? SOCIALISM!
Free Community College? SOCIALISM!
Student debt relief? SOCIALISM!
Progressive taxation? SOCIALISM!
Living Wage? SOCIALISM!
So, it seems that the reason we can't have nice things is that a large number of us have a fundamental belief that the poor can never be made to suffer enough.
I'm not sure which book of the Bible that's in, but it must be somewhere. Right?
More importantly, it is the chief operating principle of one of our two main political parties.
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