
Wednesday, September 21, 2022

But I Thought...

But I thought Donald J. Trump was a billionaire?

So why is he always asking Cletus and Ruth Ann RealAmerican to send him their Bingo money?

A billionaire shouldn't need pocket change from common folk, should he? 

I mean, the Windsors didn't pass the hat to put Queeny in the ground, did they?

Hmmm. Curiouser and Curiouser.

But I thought the Republicans were the law and order party?

So how do they rationalize the constant law breaking of their members?

Oh! That's right, laws don't apply to Republicans. My bad.

But I thought TREASON was a bad thing?

Apparently not when Republicans do it.

But I thought hating people because of the color of their skin, or their sexuality, or their beliefs in general wasn't a particularly Christian thing to do?

Then again, many American Christians are about as far from Christ as you can possibly be. In fact, they spend their lives doing un-Christian things--and then expect to be "saved", because they put some money in the collection plate.

But I thought Hitler was a bad guy?

Then how come Trump rallies look more and more like Nazi rallies, right down to the salute?

Hey, that's a pretty good question!

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