
Friday, October 6, 2017

Not Just A Moron, But A Fucking Moron

Donald J. Trump has, in just a few months, accomplished something that I thought was impossible:

He has made George W. Bush look almost competent.


The Trump family itself is a pretty good argument for forced sterilization. Der Trump often boasts of his "good genes". Ha! I didn't know there were specific genes for avarice, greed, racism, sexism, pathological lying, and a total lack of empathy for any other human.

And how 'bout that Cabinet?!

A regular murderers' row of crooks, liars, racists, imbeciles, and the merely unqualified.

The damage that this moron, oh excuse me, apparently the proper term is fucking moron, has inflicted to this nation in such a brief time is mind boggling.

It will take years to undo it. If it can be undone...

And that's if #FakePresident doesn't start a nuclear war--just to show he can.

And for all the "regular" people who still blindly support this Epic Fool, I guess the question is what will it take to get you to stop being suckers?

Or is that genetic, too?

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