
Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Complete Indifference To The Suffering Of Others

Big day if you're a billionaire, or at least a multi-millionaire!

All of those donations to the Republican toady of your choice finally paid off!

The long nightmare that the poor Koch brothers, and the Mercers, and the Ricketts, and all the rest of the country's owners have been living through is, at last, over. Little Barron Trump's future is secure!

Happy days are here again!

Your Republican Congress has come through for you!

And all it took was taking healthcare away from a few tens of millions of your fellow citizens. Oh, and don't forget stripping whatever is left of the safety net. And the deduction for your mortgage interest, too.

It's funny how all of these things don't matter much to the very rich...and poof, just like that, they're gone!

Maybe funny is the wrong word.

Pretty soon Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid will have to be "dealt" with, because, you know, deficits!

After all, defense contractors don't work for free! And bombers and aircraft carriers and nuclear bombs don't grow on trees. So we will need to tighten our belts a bit to be able to afford these absolute necessities. You can't have everything.

It would be wrong for you to have health insurance and access to welfare and food stamps if you need them, and that little government check every month to ease your retirement, when that money could just as easily buy a third or fourth home, or a new jet for some deserving oligarch.

So some of the entitlements that the lazy takers rely on will have to be restructured.

You see, the only unforgivable crime in the good ol USA is to be poor. Too poor to contribute to Republican politicians. So what do you expect? Fairness? A sense of community and a common cause? Justice? Hahaha. Ask a person of color about fairness and justice in the good ol USA...Looks like you're in the same boat now, baby!

To be fair, the Republicans always offer prayers and condolences when there's a national tragedy. Let's see if that holds true for self-inflicted ones.

Maybe they'll pray for you!

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