
Saturday, May 19, 2018

This Raises An Interesting Question:

When you're a lying piece of shit, do you know you're a lying piece of shit?

Take Sarah Huckabee Sanders, for instance.

She spends her days lying for the P.O.S. in the White House. It's her job, and she does it, willingly.

That is probably a prerequisite for working in this particular White House; the willingness to lie 24-7.

I wouldn't say she lies very convincingly...but others might.

Now, the question is, does she do it because it's her job? Or does she really, truly, believe all the lies she disseminates daily?

If she does it because it's her job, what kind of Christian is she? The kind who tells lies that she knows are lies?

Isn't she afraid of burning in Hell for eternity? That's what happens to bad Christians, right?

And if she truly does believe all of the lies, what kind of idiot is she?

Do they let idiots into Heaven?

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