
Wednesday, May 2, 2018

It's All OK!

Here's the deal:

You can be a rapist, a thief, an idiot, a child molester, a downright fucking moron...

But if you have that "R" after your name, it's all OK!

You can be a serial liar, a phony Christian, a racist, a misogynist, a homophobe...

But if you have that "R" after your name, it's all OK!

You can be a stooge for a foreign country, a draft dodging chicken hawk, morally bankrupt, financially corrupt...

And that "R" makes it all OK!

You can conspire with the government of an enemy nation to subvert our elections, you can dismantle 100 years of progressive legislation, you can stuff yourself and your family from the public purse, you can despoil the public commons, sell off the nation to the highest bidders...

As long as that "R" is there, no need to worry!

You can even be a full blown traitor, who spends his day committing treason while wiping his ass with the Constitution...

When the cops come, just show 'em your "R".

The "R" that now stands for Russia.

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