
Thursday, July 11, 2019

The Important Thing Is That The Market Is Up!

There are children in cages, drinking water from toilets--but the market is up!

The President is a traitorous imbecile--but the market is up!

Our election was hacked, our infrastructure is old and decrepit, the rich keep getting tax breaks that they do not need, white supremacists wander the halls of the White House, cops keep shooting people of color on an almost daily basis, Mitch McConnell is a cancer on democracy--but the market is up!

Things can and will fall apart.

But the important thing is that the market is up!

You probably don't own any stock, or, if you do own stock, not very much of it...most of us don't. Sure, pension funds are heavily invested in the market, but who do you know with a pension these days? And, if you do have a pension, there's a very good chance that either A) it's underfunded to the point of insolvency; or B) somewhere a Republican is plotting to take it away from you.

But, whether or not you own any stock, the important thing is that the market is up!

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