
Wednesday, July 31, 2019

And Now, A Few Words About Reparations

Recently, the Arizona Republic published an editorial cartoon that showed Adam and Eve asking for Reparations for being forced from the Garden of Eden. I suppose a certain segment of the Republic's readers found this to be clever.

Except...Adam and Eve and their Garden are a fairy tale and slavery actually happened. Human beings sold like cattle. Women raped and impregnated by their "owners". Men and women brutalized and murdered, or worked until death. Children taken from their parents and sold to the highest bidder. You know, the part of American history that certain people tend to gloss over, or ignore completely.
Since I'm a reasonable person, if someone can convince me that all the atrocities against African Americans stopped with the Emancipation Proclamation and the 13th, 14th, 15th and 24th Amendments, and that we live now in a "color blind", just society, with equal opportunity for all, good schools and fair housing for everyone, then I'll agree that the idea of reparations is absurd. 
Until then, do us all a favor and keep the fairy tales for Sunday school.

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