
Saturday, May 9, 2020

What Did You Expect?

So Bill Barr's Department of Justice is dropping all charges against Michael Flynn...

Is anyone surprised by this?

If you are, you need to remember one thing: Bill Barr has always been a Republican hack.

And if the truth is ever allowed to come out about Flynn, and Manafort, and Stone, and McConnell, and the Trump family and their Russian buddies, that would be the end of the Republican Party.

Bill Barr has fought his entire adult life to protect the simmering cesspool that is the modern Republican Party.

That, and a brutally medieval interpretation of Catholicism, are the foundation of what passes for his belief system.

Deep down, Barr is probably as repelled by Trump as anyone else with a semi-sentient brain. But that's not the point.

The point is that his party is imperiled, and he will do anything, tell any lie, break any law, shit on the Constitution, to preserve it.

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