
Thursday, June 11, 2020

Thank God For Our Hillbillies

Think how advanced we'd be as a people, as a nation, if we hadn't had our hillbillies digging in their heels, and slowing us down every step of the way.

We'd have universal health care, a guaranteed living wage, rational gun control, justice for all-- regardless of skin color, a burgeoning green economy, and equal opportunity for all of our citizens.

But we can't, because our millions of hillbillies want it to be 1856...forever.

And when I say hillbillies, I don't just mean people with a handful of teeth, living in a shack, married to a cousin and eyeing their daughters, somewhere in the Ozarks or the Appalachians.

No, I have it on very good authority that there are hillbillies throughout this great land of ours. In our Congress, in very expensive condos in NYC, in well guarded mansions in Silicon Valley, in state houses and judges' chambers across the land, hell, even in the White House!

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