
Monday, September 25, 2017

Very Rich People Don't Really Like Democracy Much

Don't get me wrong, now.

They LOVE this country.

Not enough to pay more taxes, of course.

Not enough to worry about inequality. No.

Not enough to fight for health care and a quality education for all.

Not enough to be concerned about voter suppression and gerrymandering.

Not enough to be angry when the cops gun down another unarmed black or brown person.

No, that's not the kind of "love" we're talking about.

The kind of "love" they mean is "tough" love. Where they tell the rest of us to stop complaining about these issues and pull ourselves up by our bootstraps...because this is the "best country on the face of the earth" and "God loves the USA" and "poor people are lazy" and "welfare cheats are stealing from us all" and "food stamps make people dependent and obese" and "health care isn't a right" and "corporations and wealthy people are hideously overtaxed" and all of the other nonsensical bullshit they're so fond of spewing.

That's the kind of love they understand.

The wrap yourself in the flag, wave your Bible, and bitch about the "takers" kind.

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Another Page From The Diary Of V. Putin

Codename Numbnuts has been a major disappointment.

He does not seem to understand how to deal with, oh, let's call them "issues".

If I have "issue" with someone, then someone sips tea and dies of "natural causes". Simple.

How hard is this to understand?

If Codename Numbnuts has "issues" he tweets.

He tweets!

This is not way to deal with "issues".

Oi yoi yoi.

What have I gotten myself into here?

This whole thing is turning out to be much more trouble than it is worth.

He takes our money and what do we get in return? Nothing!

What is word? "Bupkis" We get a lot of bupkis from this son of a bitch.

Codename Numbnuts does not seem to understand, I don't need him.

Let me repeat: I don't need him.

He will find this out shortly.

He will not be happy.

Maybe he will tweet about it.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Possible 2020 Trump Campaign Slogans

I'm sure that there are some cynics among you who are certain that all the fundraising that Der Trump is doing, including his recent brownshirt rally in dear old Phoenix, is just designed to grift enough money from his base o' halfwits to pay for his family's ever growing legal fees...

Oh, ye of little faith!

I prefer to look ahead with the optimism born from my strong belief that things can always get worse.

And so, dear reader, I proudly offer up some potential Trump 2020 campaign slogans:

Trump 2020: Together we can ruin a nation!

Trump 2020: The joke's on you!

Trump 2020: Let's see how bad things can get!

Trump 2020: You knew I was crazy when you fell for me!

Trump 2020: Nothing is my fault. Nothing!

Trump 2020: I told you you'd get tired of "winning"!

Trump 2020: Just how stupid do I think you are? Ha!

Trump 2020: A Moron Among Morons!

Trump 2020: Kleptocracy anyone?

Trump 2020: Let's see just how much more I can fuck things up!

Trump 2020: Wall? What wall?

Trump 2020: Ich bin ein AmeriKKKan!

Trump 2020: Things can always get worse!

Trump 2020: Pardon Me!

Thursday, September 7, 2017

The Opioid Crisis Explained

Try to follow along now. This gets complicated.

There's money to be made in keeping as many of you as possible stoned on opioids.

Lots and lots of money.

The doctors make money, the pharmacies make money, and the drug manufacturers make money. Boy, do they!

Lots and lots of money.

That's how you end up with hundreds of millions of pills being dispensed in West Virginia, for instance.

And that's just one small, relatively insignificant, state.

So a few hundred thousand, even a few million people O.D. and die.

So what?

There's always more people in pain.

And by golly, do we have ways to treat their pain!

This is America. And, like the man said, America is a business.

And business is all about the Benjamins.

So, repeat after me:

There's money to be made in keeping as many of you as possible stoned on opioids.

I guess it isn't that complicated after all.

Sunday, September 3, 2017

House Of Cards

Say you had a political party.

Say this party has benefited from subtle and not so subtle racist "dog whistles" for many years.

Say this party, as a result of these dog whistles, had attracted through the years a collection of the dregs of humanity. The worst of the worst.

Say some of these dregs had actually found their way into Congress, where they formed a block of ignorant, bigoted, clueless fools, who had no understanding of how to govern, or even how government works.

Say this party has strayed so far from its roots that it would be completely unrecognizable to not only its founders, but to many of its current members.

Say, along the way, that this party and some of its candidates had accepted money, lots and lots of money, and other, more esoteric forms of support, from a foreign government hostile to the United States.

Say this money had found its way into the pockets of many of the most highly placed members of this party.

Say this party's win at any cost methods, helped immeasurably by this foreign government, had ultimately resulted in electing a President who is totally unqualified to hold any elected office.

Say someone started investigating this party's connection to that foreign government. Say at every step of the way the investigator(s) were shocked to find someone else in the party who had taken the foreign government's money and help.

All connected, all corrupted, all stacked inside each other, like one of those Russian nesting dolls.

All traitors.