
Thursday, September 7, 2017

The Opioid Crisis Explained

Try to follow along now. This gets complicated.

There's money to be made in keeping as many of you as possible stoned on opioids.

Lots and lots of money.

The doctors make money, the pharmacies make money, and the drug manufacturers make money. Boy, do they!

Lots and lots of money.

That's how you end up with hundreds of millions of pills being dispensed in West Virginia, for instance.

And that's just one small, relatively insignificant, state.

So a few hundred thousand, even a few million people O.D. and die.

So what?

There's always more people in pain.

And by golly, do we have ways to treat their pain!

This is America. And, like the man said, America is a business.

And business is all about the Benjamins.

So, repeat after me:

There's money to be made in keeping as many of you as possible stoned on opioids.

I guess it isn't that complicated after all.

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