
Thursday, March 1, 2018

Wait, I Thought Children Were Our Future

That's what people say, right?

"Oh the children! Oh the children! They're our future!"

Isn't there even a song about it?

These children, who comprise our future, go to school as part of their education/maturation/socialization.

So why, pray tell, do we fuck over teachers every chance we get?

Low wages, no respect, blame from everyone, money starved public schools, and in many states, the unregulated scam of charter schools, where the only qualification to teach is to be a homo sapien.

Do we really want these molders of young minds, who probably spend more time with "our future" than many if not most of "our future's" parents do, to be living from hand to mouth?

Do we want them abandoning their chosen career--and what an important career it is--because they can't make ends meet on a teacher's pay?

And now on top of everything we want them to be trained gunmen, too?

What the fuck is wrong with this country?

Many years ago there was a local radio host who went by the name "John Sage". One of his comments that I remember is this: "we live in a state that glorifies bankers and vilifies teachers."

Apparently that has now spread to much of the country.

Do we care so little about "our future"? Are lower taxes really worth that gamble?

So I ask again, what the fuck is wrong with this country?

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