
Saturday, March 31, 2018

This Shouldn't Be A Surprise

Some of us find it fitting that Easter is on April Fool's Day this year....should be every year, shouldn't it? Anyway, in honor of the day, I will be turning wine into urine...

Now, where were we?

Oh, yeah. When a person shows you what they are, loudly and repeatedly, you'd be stupid not to believe them. They are what they are, and you will grow old waiting and hoping for them to change.

Donald J. Trump has been a punk ass bum for his entire adult life--and a good portion of his childhood, too. You can look it up.

His life has been an unrelenting assault on common decency. He is a swine. The people who support him are swines, too.

He has one goal: self-aggrandizement. He cares for nothing but stuffing his pockets, and putting his name on tacky buildings everywhere.

He cares for no one--except the daughter he wants to have sex with.

He is completely lacking in empathy for anyone else--except the daughter he wants to have sex with.

He has reduced our government to a sad game show.

He has reduced our standing in the world to a sick joke.

He is the living manifestation of The Swamp. Corruption is his core value.

The fact that he can damage our nation with his seemingly endless personal failings is the great tragedy of our times.

Donald J. Trump will not change. He will not deviate from his path. He will remain a punk ass bum until he dies, which can't happen too soon for me.

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