
Thursday, April 5, 2018

Why Are You So Afraid Of Russians?

This will take a little getting used to...

See, we've never had a President, or #FakePresident in this case, who was scared shitless of Russia.

Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, the fraud Reagan, Clinton, both Bush's, Obama--even dear Jimmy Carter, who is usually depicted by the Right as a weakling, all of them stood up to Mother Russia, when necessary.

But not Donald J. Trump. He just can't summon the necessary backbone.

That's right, the Commander-in-Chief of the strongest military the world has ever seen, and the most economically powerful nation the world has ever seen, gets all wobbly kneed when it comes to Russia.

Talk about a snowflake...

The White House is currently occupied by a pustule in an ill fitting blue suit, with a clownish red tie hanging down to his dimpled, flabby thighs, who positively melts when it come to Vladimir Putin, that two bit gangster, and his country of kleptocratic billionaires and scared serfs.

So, the $64,000 question is "WHY?"

What does your boyfriend Vlad have on you, Donnie?

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