
Wednesday, September 12, 2018

World's Largest Snowflake

Donald J. Trump, who is a stable genius with all the best words, and who knows the best people, would love to talk to that wicked, wicked Robert Mueller.

After all, Donald J. Trump has nothing to hide.


Perhaps you haven't noticed this, but Donald J. Trump cannot tell the truth.

Now, you might think that this is something that should have been dealt with when Donald J. Trump was a little boy. But, no...

It wasn't.

And he grew and he grew and he grew (he's still growing, in fact) as did the size of his lies.

He's reached the point where his first response to any situation is to lie about it. Hurricanes, health care, immigration, NATO, the economy--you pick one and he has a lie ready for it.

So, even though Donald J. Trump is our "smartest" President, with those "superior genes" he likes to remind us of, his many lawyers will not let him go mano y mano with that awful Robert Mueller.

Because, in the words of one of them, Donald J. Trump is a "fucking liar."

And if he ever got in front of Mr. Mueller, who, unlike Donald J. Trump, is very, very good at his job, our stable genius in chief would simply start to melt, like the World's Largest Snowflake.

No, it's much safer for Donald J. Trump to stay far away from those nasty men with their tricky questions.

Better that he keep holding his Hillbilly Nuremberg rallies for the poor, frothing at the mouth morons, who worship him.

Drip drip drip...

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