
Friday, August 9, 2019

No More Thoughts, No More Prayers

What's the point, really?

Thoughts and prayers do nothing for the dead. And very little, if anything, for their survivors

They might conceivably make the person "thinking and praying" feel a little better...but honestly what use is that?


What we desperately need is action. Background checks, waiting periods, a ban on military style weapons, no guns for the mentally ill, a national gun registry, limits on ammunition sales--all permissible under the "well regulated" clause of the Second Amendment--there are many things we could do.

All of which are, unfortunately, things that #MoscowMitch McConnell is unwilling to allow.

Action might offend his "backers" and by "backers" I mean owners.

One of Moscow's owners, the NRA, doesn't want any kind of limitations on guns--despite 90% of Americans wanting, indeed demanding, them.

But....don't hold your breath.

Because #MoscowMitch knows which side his bread is buttered on. Besides, his other owners, the Russians, are no doubt enjoying the chaos our national gun fetish has unleashed.

So, let's all just sit back and wait for the next massacre...shouldn't be too long...

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