
Saturday, March 28, 2020

So, This Is What It's Like To Have An Idiot In Charge During A Pandemic

Are you still alive?


Consider yourself fortunate.

Fortunate that you haven't listened to our #FakePresident's advice regarding the coronavirus pandemic.

This whole "what do experts know, anyway?" approach to government has come back to bite our sad nation's ass. Hard.

Turns out that government isn't the problem. Inept government is. And Republican is now officially a synonym for inept.

Turns out that a "government so small we can drown it in a bathtub" doesn't help much during a national, indeed worldwide, crisis.

(You can thank Ronald Reagan, the Republican Party, and that stooge Grover Norquist for much of the mess we're in.)

Toss in a spoiled, psychologically damaged fool in the White House and let the fun begin!

At this point, anybody still listening to our Grifter-in-Chief, or his Fox News' stooges, deserves to catch the virus.

Then, they'll either live or die. Toss a coin.

And all the prayers in the world won't change that.

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