
Friday, March 4, 2011

A quick glimpse at the future

Since a 'free market' America, unshackled from any oppressive government regulation, seems to be one of the goals of the Republican Tea Party, perhaps we should take a moment or two and reflect on what that would be like.

First of all, you can kiss clean air and water goodbye. Environmental regulations only stifle business. Better watch what you eat, too, because without any FDA oversite salmonella and e coli outbreaks will be as common as the sun coming up. Mad cow, anyone? Also, why waste money testing drugs in controlled laboratory settings? Just release them to the public and see what happens.

Get used to working longer for less--that is if your job hasn't already been outsourced. Without minimum wage laws as a baseline, and with lots and lots of desperate people, employers will be free to pay as little as they want.

Social Security will be turned over to Wall Street, to treat as their own personal piggy bank, and to be invested in whatever byzantine financial instrument they can devise. Good luck getting it back.

Our public education system, once the envy of the world, will become only a fond memory. If you can't afford good private schools for your children--too bad.

The health care industry will continue to raise your premiums and increase its profits. If you can't pay, either don't get sick or go bankrupt if you do.

On the plus side, you'll pay a few dollars less in taxes, the back alley abortion business will flourish, and you'll be able to buy all the guns and ammo you want. It's morning in America!

1 comment:

Mission Man said...

That's exactly right.